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I have been working with Families and Children for forty years in various capacities as a Mentor, a Public School Teacher, an After-School Director, a Pastor and an Entertainer. One of the most valuable skills that anybody can have is the ability to listen. That’s...
We all know people who never have a good word to say about anything. Comment on what a beautiful sunny day it is, and they will complain that they are too hot. Say how much you are looking forward to going to the cinema and they will tell you how awful the movie...
I don’t know about you but I love to learn new techy stuff, especially if it is not too difficult or with a large learning curve. There’s all kinds of techy stuff out there, some is more fun than others. Let’ look at some fun techy stuff. #1 You Can Keep...
The Art of Being Positive – Life is not always easy, and especially this past year has been a big challenge with the Covid-19 pandemic, but did you know that many times you become what you think about? If you are always thinking negatively then you are going to...
I do not usually write movie reviews, and this will not be a review in the normal sense. I am an illusionist and magician who when performing for an audience, provides “magical” moments of awe and wonder. In many ways, movies are similar. They provoke our...
As human beings and taxpayers we depend upon certain services when we live in a town or city. Some of these are various obvious. We need police protection, water and sewer service of some type, sanitation services, medical services, schools, and food stores. But there...
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